Gts class

Gts class description

class pyacs.gts.Gts.Gts(code=None, lat=None, lon=None, h=None, X0=None, Y0=None, Z0=None, t0=None, data=None, data_xyz=None, data_corr_neu=None, data_corr_xyz=None, offsets_dates=[], offsets_values=None, outliers=[], annual=None, semi_annual=None, velocity=None, ifile=None, log=None, metadata=None)[source]

The individual Geodetic Time Series Class

The Gts implemented in PYACS has the following attributes:

Mandatory attributes:
  • data: a 2D numpy array with 10 columns: dec.year, N, E, U, S_N, S_E, S_U, S_NE, S_NU, S_EU

  • code: station 4-letters code

Coordinates attributes
  • lon,lat,h: approximate longitude, latitude (geodetic, deg.dec) and ellipsoidal height (m)

  • X0,Y0,Z0 XYZ reference position in the Geocentric Frame. N,E,U are considered with respect to X0,Y0,Z0

  • t0 reference date in decimal year for X0,Y0,Z0

Not persisting attributes
  • data_xyz: a 2D numpy array with 10 columns: dec.year, X, Y, Z, SX, SY, SZ, S_XY, S_XZ, S_YZ

    because many Gts methods are applied on NEU components, .data_xyz is often set to None. it can however be rebuilt using the neu2xyz method

Attributes populated after some analysis
  • outliers: list of index of outliers in a time series (all components)

  • offsets_values: a 2D numpy array with 7 columns: dec.year N, E, U, S_N, S_E, S_U

  • offsets_dates: a list of dates for offsets

  • velocity: a 1D numpy array with 6 columns: vel_N, vel_E, vel_U, S_vel_N, S_vel_E, S_vel_U

  • annual: a 1D numpy array with 6 columns: Amplitude_N, Phase_N, Amplitude_E, Phase_E, Amplitude_U, Phase_U

  • semi_annual: a 1D numpy array with 6 columns: Amplitude_N, Phase_N, Amplitude_E, Phase_E, Amplitude_U, Phase_U

Metadata attributes
  • ifile: original input file of the time series

  • log: log of operations

  • metadata: any information the analyst would like to be recorded

Units Conventions
  • dates are in decimal year

  • coordinates are in meters

  • phases are in radians