pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods package


pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.add_offsets_dates module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.add_offsets_dates.add_offsets_dates(self, dates, verbose=False)[source]

add_offsets_dates to every Gts in current Sgts

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.append module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.append.append(self, gts)[source]

Append a Gts to the current Sgts


gts – Gts instance to be appended to the current Sgts instance

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.common_mode module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.common_mode.common_mode(self, lref=[], detrend_method='detrend_median', method='median', center=True, verbose=True)[source]

calculates a common mode

  • lref – liste of site codes used to calculate the common mode

  • detrend_method – ‘detrend_median’ or ‘detrend’, method used to detrend the reference sites time series

  • method – method to calculate the common mode ‘median’ or ‘mean’


a Sgts instance with filtered time series. This new instance has a _CMM time series for the common mode


time series are assumed to be daily time series

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.copy module


makes a (deep) copy of the Sgts object

:return : a new Sgts instance

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.delts module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.delts.delts(self, code)[source]

Delete a time series from an Sgts instance


code – code to be excluded

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.frame module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.frame.frame(self, frame=None, euler=None, w=None, verbose=False)[source]

Rotates the time series according to an Euler pole. User must provide either frame, euler or w.

  • frame – str, implemented values are ‘soam’,’nas’,’nazca’,’inca’,’nas_wrt_soam’,’inca_wrt_soam’.

  • euler – Euler values provided either as a string ‘euler_lon/euler_lat/euler_w’, a list [euler_lon,euler_lat,euler_w] or a 1D numpy array np.array([euler_lon,euler_lat,euler_w])

  • w – rotation rate vector in rad/yr, provided either as a string ‘wx/wy/wz’, a list [wx,wy,wz] or a 1D numpy array np.array([wx,wy,wz])


the new Sgts instance in new frame


All values for frames are from Nocquet et al., Nat Geosc., 2014.

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.gts module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.gts.gts(self, method, *args, **kwargs)[source]

apply a gts method to all Gts instance of the current Sgts object

  • method – Gts method to be applied as string

  • *arg

    arguments for the Gts method to be applied

  • **kwarg

    keyword arguments for the Gts method to be applied

:example : ts.gts(‘detrend’,periods=[2010.0,2013.0])

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.has_ts module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.has_ts.has_ts(self, code)[source]

Tests whether a time series exists in the current Sgts instance


code – 4-character code

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.lGts module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.lGts.lGts(self, lexclude=[], linclude=[])[source]

Returns the list of Gts in the current Sgts :param lexclude: list of sites to be excluded :param linclude: list of sites to be included, excluding all other.

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.lcode module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.lcode.lcode(self, lexclude=[], linclude=[])[source]

Returns the list of Gts codes in the current Sgts exclude is a list of code to be excluded

  • lexclude – list of sites to be excluded

  • linclude – list of sites to be included, excluding all other.

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.medvel module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.medvel.medvel(self, outdir=None, verbose=False)[source]

Automatic velocity estimates using median estimator. The code is adapted from the MIDAS approach (Blewitt et al., 2016).

medvel fills the velocity attribute of every Gts from the current Sgts instance.

returns the modified Sgts instance Optionally, if outdir option is provided, writes the results in outdir


outdir: output directory, default None


verbose: boolean, verbose mode


warning: output warning file


Blewitt, G., Kreemer, C., Hammond, W. C., & Gazeaux, J. (2016). MIDAS robust trend estimator for accurate GPS station velocities without step detection. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(3), 2054-2068.

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.n module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.n.n(self, lexclude=[], linclude=[])[source]

Returns the number of Gts codes in the current Sgts exclude is a list of code to be excluded

  • lexclude – list of sites to be excluded

  • linclude – list of sites to be included, excluding all other.

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.read_gmt module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.read_gmt.read_gmt(self, gmt=True, verbose=False, vel=False)[source]

Reads a gmt psvelo file and populates lon and lat attributes for each Gts of Sgts

  • gmt – if True tries to read ‘/../stat/pyacs_void.gmt’, if a string then it is the gmt file to be read.

  • verbose – verbose mode

  • vel – boolean. If True, fills the .velocity attribute of every time series with the values read in the gmt file.


this method is always in place.

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.read_gts_conf module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.read_gts_conf.read_gts_conf(self, gts_conf_file, verbose=False)[source]

Reads a gts_conf_file implemented commands in the file are: #todo add_break [site] [date] # date is either [decyear] [doy year] [mday month year] apply_offset [site] [offset_north,offset_east,offset_up] [date] # offset applied is in mm, date is either [decyear] [doy year] [mday month year] remove_offset [site] [offset_north,offset_east,offset_up] [date] # offset removed is in mm, date is either [decyear] [doy year] [mday month year] #todo extract_periods [site] [date1,date2] # date is either [decyear] [doy year] [mday month year] #todo exclude_periods [site] [date1,date2] # date is either [decyear] [doy year] [mday month year] #todo remove_day [site] [date]

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.read_soln module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.read_soln.read_soln(self, soln, verbose=True)[source]

read a IGS soln file and add an offsets_dates for any P change in soln.


soln – soln.snx IGS file


the method is in place

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.read_ts module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.read_ts.read_ts(self, ts_dir='.', verbose=True, name_filter='', add_key='', sites=[], lexclude=[], type=None, xyz=True)[source]

Reads time series, trying to guess the format. Current time series format supported are: pos, kenv, mb_file, cats, txyz (pyacs), track (NEU format for high rate)

  • ts_dir – directory of time series files

  • name_filter – string used to filter time series name ‘name_filter

  • add_key – adds a string before site code

  • sites – list of site codes to be read. Any other will be discarded.

  • lexclude – list of sites to be excluded from reading

  • type – specifies the format of the time series files. Choose among [‘pos’, ‘kenv’, ‘mb_file’, ‘cats’, ‘txyz’, ‘track’ , ‘pride’,’pck’]

  • xyz – for pos files, reads the XYZ coordinates rather than dNEU. This is the default.


an Sgts instance.

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.same_site module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.same_site.same_site(self, dc=10, in_place=True, verbose=False)[source]

Check that all gts in the current Sgts are actually the same site. If a given time series is found to be of two separate sites, then a new gts is added to the return Sgts instance.

param dc: critical distance to decide to split the time series param in_place: if True modify current Sgts, False retuen a new Sgts param verbose: verbose mode

return: a new Sgts instance

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.save_velocity module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.save_velocity.save_velocity(self, vel_file='../stat/vel')[source]

save horizontal and up velocities

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.sel_period module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.sel_period.sel_period(self, period, min_data=2, verbose=True)[source]

selects time series having some data for a given period

  • period – [start,end], start and end period as decimal years

  • min_data – minimum number of data for a time series to be kept

Pram verbose

verbose mode


a new Sgts instance

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.sel_rectangle module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.sel_rectangle.sel_rectangle(self, bounds, verbose=True)[source]

selects the time series for sites within a rectangles


bounds – [lon_min,lon_max,lat_min,lat_max]

Pram verbose

verbose mode


a new Sgts instance

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.show_map module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.show_map.show_map(self, bounds=None, highlight=[], tile=False, tile_provider='OpenTopoMap', figsize=(7, 9), show=True, save=False)[source]
  • self – Sgts instance

  • bounds – map bounds as list [min_lon,max_lon,min_lat,max_lat]

  • highlight – list of site code to be highlighted

  • tile – boolean. If True reads tiles from tile_provider. Requires internet connection. Default is False.

  • tile_provider – ‘OpenTopoMap’ or ‘OpenStreetMap.Mapnik’



pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.stat_site module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.stat_site.stat_site(self, lsite=[], lsite_file=None, verbose=False, save_dir=None)[source]

basic statistics about individual time series

  • lsite – list of selected sites for statistics

  • lsite_file – list of selected sites for statistics provided as a file

  • verbose – verbose mode

  • save_dir – directory where statistics files will be written

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.sub module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.sub.sub(self, lexclude=[], linclude=[])[source]

Returns a new Sgts instance excluding Gts with code in lexclude and keeping Gts with code in include

  • lexclude – list of sites to be excluded

  • linclude – list of sites to be included, excluding all other.

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.to_displacement module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.to_displacement.to_displacement(self, verbose=True, base_name='vel', wdir='.', up=False)[source]

print displacements every dates as gmt psvelo files

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.write_pck module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.write_pck.write_pck(self, outfile, verbose=True)[source]

writes a Sgts object as a pck (pickle)

  • outfile – output file name. If not provided, a pck extension will be added.

  • verbose – verbose mode

Module contents

Created on Jan 31, 2020

@author: nocquet