pyacs.gts.lib.format package


pyacs.gts.lib.format.cats module

Reads and writes time series files in the CATS format

pyacs.gts.lib.format.cats.read_cats_file(self, idir='.', ifile=None, gmt=True, verbose=False)[source]

Read cats files in a directory and actually loads the time series

pyacs.gts.lib.format.cats.write_cats(self, idir, offsets_dates=None, add_key='')[source]

Writes a file for a cats analysis if offsets_dates is not None then offsets are added at the beginning of the file

pyacs.gts.lib.format.force_daily module

Routine to force daily solution at 12:00:00

pyacs.gts.lib.format.force_daily.force_daily(self, in_place=False)[source]

force a time series to be daily with dates at 12:00:00 of every day

pyacs.gts.lib.format.get_unr module

pyacs.gts.lib.format.get_unr.get_unr(self, site, verbose=False)[source]

Get a time series from in PYACS

  • site – 4-letters code

  • verbose – verbose mode

pyacs.gts.lib.format.kenv module

Reads time series files in the kenv format

pyacs.gts.lib.format.kenv.read_kenv(self, ifile, date_type='jd')[source]

Read kenv file (magnet) format for time series

pyacs.gts.lib.format.mb_file module

Reads old GAMIT/GLOBK time series mb_files

pyacs.gts.lib.format.mb_file.read_mb_file(self, idir='.', ifile=None, gmt=True, verbose=False)[source]

Read GAMIT/GLOBK mb_files in a directory and actually loads the time series

pyacs.gts.lib.format.mb_file.write_mb_file(self, idir, add_key='')[source]

pyacs.gts.lib.format.pos module

Reads and write PBO pos files

pyacs.gts.lib.format.pos.read_pos(self, tsdir='.', tsfile=None, xyz=True, verbose=False)[source]

Read GAMIT/GLOBK PBO pos file in a directory and actually loads the time series

  • tsdir – directory of pos file

  • tsfile – pos file to be loaded

  • xyz – reads xyz sx sy sz corr_xy corr_xz corr_yz columns

  • verbose – verbose mode


Since a pos file includes (almost) all the information, data, code, X0,Y0,Z0,t0 will be populated


If tsfile=None, then read_pos will look for a file named CODE*.pos

pyacs.gts.lib.format.pos.write_pos(self, idir, add_key='', force=None, verbose=False)[source]

Write a time series in GAMIT/GLOBK PBO pos format

  • idir – output directory

  • add_key – if not blank then the output pos file will be CODE_add_key.pos, CODE.pos otherwise.

  • force – set force to ‘data’ or ‘data_xyz’ to force pos to be written from .data or .data_xyz

:note1:default behaviour (force = None)

if data and data_xyz are not None, then print them independently if there are data only, then uses X0,Y0,Z0 to write data_xyz if there are data_xyz only, recreate data and write it

pyacs.gts.lib.format.pride module

Reads PRIDE kinematic files

pyacs.gts.lib.format.pride.read_pride(self, tsdir='.', tsfile=None, xyz=True, verbose=False)[source]

Read PRIDE-PPPAR kinematic result file :param tsdir: directory of pride-pppar kinematic files :param tsfile: pride-pppar kinematic file to be loaded :param verbose: verbose mode :return Nothing: :note: If file=None, then read_pride will look for a files named kin_*code

pyacs.gts.lib.format.pride.read_pride_pos(self, tsdir='.', tsfile=None, verbose=False)[source]

Read PRIDE-PPPAR static result file

  • tsdir – directory of pride-pppar pos static files

  • tsfile – pride-pppar pos static file to be loaded

  • verbose – verbose mode

:note:If file=None, then read_pride will look for a files named pos_*code

pyacs.gts.lib.format.tdp module

pyacs.gts.lib.format.tdp.read_tdp(self, idir='.', ifile=None, gmt=True, verbose=False)[source]

Read tdp (Gipsy kinematics provided by Cedric Twardzik 17/04/2018) format for time series

pyacs.gts.lib.format.to_pandas_df module

Converts a pyacs gts instance to a pandas DataFrame

pyacs.gts.lib.format.to_pandas_df.to_pandas_df(self, data_xyz=False, uncertainty=False, round=False)[source]

Converts a pyacs Gts to a pandas dataframe


pandas DataFrame


uncertainties are not imported.

pyacs.gts.lib.format.track module

Reads GAMIT/GLOBK TRACK kinematics time series

pyacs.gts.lib.format.track.read_track_NEU(self, tsdir='.', tsfile=None, leap_sec=0.0, eq_time=None, verbose=False)[source]

Read a GAMIT/GLOBK Track output file generated with the option out_type NEU in this case dates are seconds by default the seconds are with respect to the first epoch of measurements If option leap_sec is provided with a value > 0.0, then GPS time is corrected for the difference between GPTS time and UTC If eq_time is provided, it is assumed to be UTC. Expected format is YYYY:MM:MD:HH:MM:SS.S

Module contents