pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.frame module

pyacs.gts.Sgts_methods.frame.frame(self, frame=None, euler=None, w=None, verbose=False)[source]

Rotates the time series according to an Euler pole. User must provide either frame, euler or w.

  • frame – str, implemented values are ‘soam’,’nas’,’nazca’,’inca’,’nas_wrt_soam’,’inca_wrt_soam’.

  • euler – Euler values provided either as a string ‘euler_lon/euler_lat/euler_w’, a list [euler_lon,euler_lat,euler_w] or a 1D numpy array np.array([euler_lon,euler_lat,euler_w])

  • w – rotation rate vector in rad/yr, provided either as a string ‘wx/wy/wz’, a list [wx,wy,wz] or a 1D numpy array np.array([wx,wy,wz])


the new Sgts instance in new frame


All values for frames are from Nocquet et al., Nat Geosc., 2014.